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Hubei FOTMA Machinery CO., LTD

  • Date Listed:2017-12-25 11:12:12
    Guanggu Avenue 52#, Wuchang, Wuhan, P.R.China
    Company:Hubei FOTMA Machinery CO., LTD

    Hubei Fotma Machinery Co.Ltd established in 2004 as a combined group engaged into manufacturing and exporting of Non-Ferrous Metals. In 2005, our factory established in Zigong, Sichuan P.R., which is a professional manufacturer of cemented carbide products and finished machining for the tungsten & molybdenum products. We mainly focus on cemented carbide products, and the tungsten & molybdenum and other products as the salutary complementarities. We're good at producing different kinds of customized carbide tools for both mining and cutting, wear parts, blades and inserts. By now, our products succeed in exporting to over 60 countries/districts all around the world and gained good market reputation depending on our fine quality and competitive cost. Hubei Fotma Machinery Co.Ltd established in 2004 as a combined group engaged into manufacturing and exporting of Non-Ferrous Metals, Agricultural Machinery and Instruction Machinery etc.

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