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VCO Low Temperature Vacuum Dry

  • Date Listed:2016-06-21 14:08:47
    A502-8, R&D Hub 3, Changzhou Science&Education Town, No. 18 middle Changwu road,
    Company:Changzhou Kingtree Machinery Co Ltd

    VCO Low Temperature Vacuum Drying SystemDescription: VCO low temperature vacuum drying system mainly consists of three parts: pre-heating system of coconut oil and water,Website:, coconut oil vacuum driver as well as oil storage system, vacuum pump unit and refrigeration water machine system.Features: controllable temperature, thorough drying, healthy and safe, easy for maintenance, output can be customized and can continuously produce.Specification:Model No.VAC-DR250Capacity0.5T/hTotal Power25kwMachine MaterialSUS304Machine Size(L*W*H)4500*850*2850mm

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