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Lyophilized Royal Jelly Powder

  • Date Listed:2016-06-29 09:01:04
    TaiBai Road, YanTa District, Xi'an, China

    Lyophilized royal jelly powder is electric heating vacuum freeze dryer,Website:,which can freeze dried in situ. ISO & CE certified patent freeze drying machine has changes complex operation and prevent sample pollution,you also can clearly view freeze drying process,convenient and high efficient.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??TPV-10FD in-situ vacuum freeze dryer ? ? ? ?TPV-10GD in-situ vacuum freeze dryer1.7 inch embedded integrated color touch-screen. PLC controlling. Display drying curve.2.The machine control system can save 40 freeze-drying scheme, each scheme can be set up 40 segments of temperature parameter values.3.Shelf has refrigeration and heating function. Products pre-freezing and drying process both finished in drying chamber.No need of low temperature freezer, no pollution.At the same time provide guarantee conditions for automated production.4.Control system automatically records the data and generate the freeze-drying curves. With USB communication interface, experimental data?can be output by a USB flash disk.5.Operating system has manual operation and automatic operation, two working modes, to improve the selectivity of freeze-drying process.6.Drying chamber door use colorless transparent organic glass , use can clearly observe the sample during the process of freeze-drying.7.Unique design of vacuum air channel, condenser has better and uniform water capture capacity.8.Have password protection function, to ensure the safe and reliable operation.9.Optional charging valve, filling dry inert gas.10.Optional manifold ports for flask connection, round bottom flask and wide-neck flask.11.Optional eutectic point test functions, convenient for getting freeze-drying process of the sample.12.Optional remote monitoring and remote operation functions, convenient for user operation in different conditions13.Vacuum regulation device is optional.? ? ? ? ? ?ModelTPV-10FDTPV-10GDFreeze drying area0.2 ?0.1 ?Condenser temperatur....

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