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industrial cold water machine

  • Date Listed:2016-07-04 13:49:35
    Room 1202, office building, No. 4, No. 4965, Baoshan District,, Republic of the new road, Shanghai
    Company:Shanghai Toffon Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

    Application of industrial cold water machine in industrial production In the production process, due to mechanical, mold and industrial reaction heat is constantly produced, when the temperature exceeds the material to withstand the degree of product quality is not stable, plastic products and electroplating production, for example, the production of plastic products in cooling time accounted for more than 80% of the full cycle, reduces the cooldown of the importance can be seen, industrial chillers (also called freezer, ice machine, frozen water machine, cooling machine) can timely absorb heat, the mold cavity temperature drop rapidly, accelerated product design, shorten surface. Electroplating production, industrial water cooling function will plating solution temperature decrease, and constant temperature within a certain range, the metal molecule with stable current and quickly attached to On the surface of the coating, the product is smooth and the density is increased. The industrial cold water machine is widely used in many kinds of industrial production. 1 Chemical Industry (chemical industry) 2 plastic products, plastic containers, film, plastic profiles, pipes, wires, cables, tire industry 3 electroplating and machine tool cutting fluid cooling industry 4 hardware industry 5 Pharmaceutical Industry 6 electronics industry 7 food and beverage industry 8 shoe industry 9 Laboratory 10 medical devices 11 optical instruments Editor: Shanghai Toffon Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Toffon Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., specialized in producing all kinds of refrigeration equipment, including chromatography freezer, freeze dry machine (production of freeze drying machine, laboratory freeze dry machine), cold water machine (experimental type cold water machine, industrial chiller), ultra low temperature freezer, thermostat bath, our professional, we have carefully and Toffon is a good choice for you!

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