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Ba Sha Qi Yi Extra Ctant For

  • Date Listed:2012-03-20 12:04:10
    105 Sand Road, Guangzhou City
    Company:Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Yan Xiang

    MSN:u*live QQ:* QQ:* Ba Sha Qi Yi Extra Ctant For Slimming Slimming toxin removing and looks nourishing Enjiying your life ,starting with slimming One tablet a day ,it works on the right day Super-concentrated extractant from fruits and looks nourishing. This product refined and extracted from main raw materials of rare fruits and berries of foreign countries by modern Hi-tech,can improve disturbance of fat metabolism of the fat and relief suffering of hyperlipemia, high blood pressure ,and fatty liver from obesity by regulating metabolism functiom of human body .While removing surplus fat ,the product can speed up fat transformation, improve fat metabolism ,thereby to realize quick slimming in short time . [Main ingredients ]Qiyi berry ,Basha berry ,vine berry, black berry ,the root of kudzuvine,Semen sesami nigrum, latus leaf and leve-carnitine,etc. [Characteristics]safety,toxin-free, removing fat arornd waist, belly and hips ,no diarrhea, no rebounding. [Directions]once a day ,one tablet for each time ,taking before or affer breakfast [Warning]strictly not to be taken by the pregnant,prudently by suffers of high bloodpressure.heart disease. [Specification]300mg*6tablets *5sheets Storage:in closed ,dry and cool place [Approval No]YWSZhz(2004)NO.109 [Standard executed]Q/LZM3-2004 [offered by ]Guang zhou Bomei BIO-health care Products Co.,Lfd [Address]50 San yuanli Ave ., Guang zhou MSN:u*live QQ:* QQ:*

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