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8" Car Subwoofer

  • Date Listed:2016-07-24 01:03:31
    No.13 Bi Village North Road, Yingbin Avenue, Huadu District, Guangzhou, China
    Company:GuangZhou SoundSing Audio Manufacturing Co Ltd

    Soundsing Audio Manufacturing Co.,Ltd is one of the leading China 8" car subwoofer manufacturers and suppliers, providing with 8" subwoofer wholesale, welcome to import high quality products from our factory. SD-8058L is a 8? car subwoofer. It is a very thin subwoofer with only 57mm total height. We use aluminum cone and dust cap ,4 layer voice coil to have more bass. More color is available. Products specification ? Size:8? Rated Power: 120W Peak Power: 240W Impedance: 2Ohm DC Impedance: 1.7 Ohm Sensitivity:83dB Frequency Response:50hz-1.5khz Voice Coil Diameter: 1.4 Inch Voice Coil Wire Material: Copper Bobbin Material: ASV Voice Coil Layers: 4 Layers Dampers: polycotton Cone: Aluminum ....

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