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Carbon steel fiber

  • Date Listed:2011-11-15 12:33:40
    Chu Hui Xiang Village, District No. 24 was built
    Company:Strong Hengyang Steel Fiber Co., Ltd.

    Hengyang Steel Fiber Co., Ltd. is the production of strong steel fibers, melt pumping heat-resistant stainless steel fibers, steel fibers melt pumping, heat-resistant steel fiber, stainless steel fibers, steel fibers cold drawn steel wire, steel plates of steel fibers, the professional manufacturers and passed the international quality management system certification. Factory production, scientific research in one, engaged in the production of steel fiber and application development. The product performance to the level of similar foreign products, with its excellent tensile, bending, shear, crack resistance, impact resistance, fatigue resistance, high toughness and other properties are widely used in metallurgy, cement, petroleum, chemicals, ceramics a variety of industrial fields such as construction, highway pavement, bridges, airport runways, tunnel, concrete sleepers, water, electricity, banking, telecommunications, ports, nuclear testing ground, the rocket launch site, seismic structure, uprising, military and other important projects, made to extend the life of the application site 2-6 times with good results.

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