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Three days slimming capsule

  • Date Listed:2012-03-20 12:00:16
    105 Sand Road, Guangzhou City
    Company:Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Yan Xiang

    Three days slimming capsule [Main ingredients] Health Hawthorn Kudingcha cassia fructooligosaccharide Ginseng L-Carnitine Chitosan polypeptide apple vinegar [Effect ingredient and content] Each capsule contains: Ginseng gleditsioside 3.2mg flavonoids 0.8mg [Specifications] 400mgX60 tablets [Health Function] regulation blood-fat \ weight [Features] This product is highly targeted, localized fat accumulation of the peculiar effect of simple obesity, focusing on abdominal \ waist \ leg \ hip and so easy to accumulation of fat. [Usage and dosage] taking the following methods: 1. even weight method: two tablets,twice a day, In the morning and evening for half an hour before using. 2. Rapid weight loss method: 2 tablets once a day in half an hour before taking breakfast. [Appropriate object] 1. Microgastrinae convex \ waist obesity need to thin 2. Body fat who need to thin [Approval Number] sanitation food word (1998)NO.017 [Implementation of standard]Q/ZX08-1998 [production licence ]qiong santation word (2005)No.0125 [Note]:pregnant women, breast-feeding are banned

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