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woodpulp spunlace nonwoven fab

  • Date Listed:2016-08-10 13:44:46
    Jinyang west street, Renyang, Zhitang town, Changshu, suzhou, jiangsu, china
    Company:Suzhou Meson Nonwoven Technology Co Ltd
    Tell:86 512 52588861

    Products Introduction:   Our Woodpulp/Polyester Spunlace Nonwoven fabrics are made of excellent quality  woodpulp and fiber blends that contain no additives that hider absorbency. They enable the critical cleaning essential to industries like electronics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and power generation---and are equally effective in applications like machining operations ,preparation for coatings application, and composites manufacturing .   Specification:   &#*;Material: Woodpulp+Polyester /Polypropylene/Viscose &#*;Basis Weight: 40-80g/m2 &#*;Width: ≤2200mm &#*;Thickness: 0.18-0.35mm &#*;Appearance: plain or apertured &#*;Color: white ,blue   Characteristic:   &#*;Exceptionally clean---containers no binders, chemical residue, contaminants or metal shavings that can result in surface damage or rework &#*;Durable---excellent MD and CD strength makes them less likely to snag on mental parts and sharp corners &#*;Higher absorbency rate can result in wiping jobs being completed more quickly &#*;Low-lint performance helps to minimize defects and contamination &#*;Tackles isopropyl alcohol, MEK, MPK, and other aggressive solvents without falling apart &#*;Cost-effective ---very absorbent ,fewer wipes needed to complete the task results in fewer wipes to dispose of   Application   &#*;Electronic surface clean &#*;Heavy equipment maintenance &#*;Surface preparation before coating, sealant, or adhesive application &#*;Laboratories and production areas &#*;Printing industries &#*;Medical use: surgical gown , surgical towel , surgical cover,  surgical map and mask , sterile separtion gown, protection gown and bedding clothes. &#*;househould wipe

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