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injectable Testosterone Sustan

  • Date Listed:2016-08-22 14:55:26
    No.496,Zhongshan Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
    Company:Hubei Gongchuang Technology Co.Ltd

    Testosterone Sustanon (Steroids) Component: Test propionate, Test phenylpropionate, Test decanoate and Test isocaproate. Item: Testosterone Propionate, CAS 57-85-2, EINECS 200-351-1 Item: Testosterone Phenylpropionate, CAS 1255-49-8, EINECS 215-014-4 Item: Testosterone Decanoate, CAS 5721-91-5, EINECS 227-226-4 Item: Testosterone Isocaproate, CAS *-86-9, EINECS 239-307-1 Assay: each 25%. Packing: foil bag or tin. Delivery: Express courier. The min. order is 10 grams. Character: White crystalline powder. Usage: Pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones. Applications: 1.Testosterone Blend is a new type of hormonal premix drugs, it is different pharmacological effects of the time a mixture. Offsetting the drugs work by time, make the drugs can faster and more lasting effect. 2. Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg. Testosterone Blend is used to promote weight gain following extensive surgery, chronic infection, or severe trauma, and in other cases that result in inadequate weight gain or maintenance. Testosterone Blend is also used to decrease muscle loss caused by treatment with corticosteroids and to reduce bone pain associated with osteoporosis.

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