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injectableNandrolone Decanoate

  • Date Listed:2016-08-22 15:15:21
    No.496,Zhongshan Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
    Company:Hubei Gongchuang Technology Co.Ltd

    CAS: 360-70-3 Nandrolone Decanoate and 98% Deca-Durabolin hidear(at)ycgmp(dot)com Description: Nandrolone Decanoate (Steroids) Chemical Name: 4-estren-17beta-ol-3-one decanoate Synonyms: 19-nortestosterone 17-decanoate; 19-nortestoterone decanoate Molecular Formula: C28H44O3 Molecular weight: 428.65 Molecular Structure: CAS NO.: 360-70-3 EINECS: 206-639-3 Assay: 98% min. Packing: 1kg net/ plastic bottle or tin. Delivery: Express courier. The min. order is 10 grams. Appearance: white or oyster white to pale yellow crystalline powder Usage: pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. Is a male hormone, anabolic hormones drugs.

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