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Stay in China

  • Date Listed:2016-08-24 17:22:51
    Room 2501, South Tower, World Trade Center, No.371-375 Huanshidong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
    Company:Hong Kong Dada Enterprise Services Limited

    International Students CAN STAY IN CHINA after Graduation! As an international student who studies in China, you might want to stay in China after graduation. Usually, you need to find a job first before applying for a work visa. However, it is not easy to find a job without relevant working experience, and not to mention a work visa. Then you are dejectedly packing your luggage and booking an air ticket to fly back home. Is it right? Please wait a moment. We hereby declare important news. International Students CAN STAY IN CHINA after Graduation! International Students CAN STAY IN CHINA after Graduation! International Students CAN STAY IN CHINA after Graduation! Important news must be spread out for triple. According to the latest entry and exit policy by Guangdong Public Security Bureau in China, international graduates who intend to start a business in Guangdong Province after graduation from a China University/College (including University/College from Hongkong and Macao) can apply for a private affairs residence permit within 2 years with your graduation certificate and the residence permit will be with the words SET UP BUSINESS. With this visa, you can have your internship within Guangdong Province and start your business. During this period, you can apply for work residence permit if you are employed by a company. We hope this important policy may let you confidently start your own career. If you need to register a company and apply for work visa, please consult Hongkong Dada Enterprise Services Limited. If you need help, you can contact: Contact Person:Tindy XU Hongkong Dada Enterprise Services Limited Mobile: +86 135 7042 6968 Wechat: 135 7042 6968 Whatsapp:+86 135 7042 6968 QQ: 216 3914 937 Telephone: 86- 020- 2807 1838 Email: se* Website: Address:Room 2501, South Tower, World Trade Centre, 371-375 Huanshidong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China (Line 5, Taoj....

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