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Shell Button

  • Date Listed:2016-10-10 23:40:23
    Rm. 306, #2 Bldg., No.3128 Husong Rd., Songjiang Dist., Shanghai, China
    Company:hanghai Ghophy Garment Accessories Co., Ltd

    1)Materials: river shell ,sea shell?2)Specification: 14L--40L?3)Thickness:1.6MM~3.2MM?4)Color: various colors for yours1)Materials: river shell ,sea shell2)Specification: 14L--40L?3)Thickness:1.0MM~4.0MM4)Color: various colors for yours5)Shapes:round, square, triangle, multi-angle, irregular multi-angle ect.6) Customer's design ,particular logos and customized carvings are allowed.Shell buttons is made for casual clothes and a variety of lady's fashion because of its mild brightness and natural feeling, especially when it decorates white clothes

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