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Living Container House

  • Date Listed:2016-10-12 09:35:30
    huaxin road chengguo town
    Company:Laizhou Hongshengda Machinery Co.,Ltd

    Description of living container houseFeatures of living container house1.Comfortable and safe - build your nice and sweet homeprefabricated container house are made of Steel sandwich panel and steel section, makes your house strong and durable with excellent property of anti- heat, wind, vibration, humidity, water; can even deal with M8 earthquake and hurricane easily. With additional support of solar photoelectric product, solar water heater and household appliances, you could make your container house to be a warm and cozy home.prefab container house ?is most comfortable place to live.2.Economical and low-cost - average cost per day is less than 1$Normally 1 TEU (Twenty feet Equivalent Unit size 20? *8? * 8?6") with 160 ft?available area only cost less than 43.75$/ ft?, compared with house price of your country, construction cost of flat pack container house is much cheaper. At the same time, it can be used more than 20 years, you average cost per day is less than 1$. Prefab house container is the cheapest one.3.movable, reusable, flexible - you can live anywhere you likeMoving around is easy without touching any of your furniture, a truck can do the entire job. Settle on the ground also means your home is ready for use. Shipping container homes ?is your perfect choice.4.Fast installation, ready-to-useA container house can be installed in less than 1 hour. It is out-of-the-box and ready-to-use solution, you don?t have to wait because there is barely a construction period. Modules and components are connected by joints; anyone can install it easily with our product instruction. We also provide further and detailed technical and on-site installation support for any problem you may encounter. folding container house is environmentally friendly.Attractive appearance and individuation availableVariety of painting color, sandwich panel, surface material, roof, door and window style are ready to meet your individuation and personal preference. Your home will look exactly....

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