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Ring Type Joint Flange

  • Date Listed:2016-10-25 11:56:42
    No.273, Siping Road
    Company:Sunny Steel Enterprise Ltd.
    Tell:86 21 33781099

    Ring Type Joint Flange is a method of ensuring leak proof flange connection at high pressures. A metal ring is compressed into a hexagonal groove on the face of the flange to make the seal. This jointing method can be employed on Weld Neck, Slip-on and Blind Flange. Standards, Dimensions & Weight Dimensions of Ring Joint Facings Ring Joint Facings ASME/ANSI B16.5 & B16.47-1 Ring Joint Facings ASME/ANSI B16.5 & B16.47-2 Ring Joint Facings ASME/ANSI B16.5 & B16.47-3 Ring Joint Facings ASME/ANSI B16.5 & B16.47-4 Specifications: Size: 1/2” to 60”, DN 12mm to DN 1500mm view... Pressure class: Class 150 to Class 2,500, PN 2.5 to PN 250 Facing: RF / RTJ Cabon steel: A105, A350 LF2 Stainless steel: A182 F304/F304L/F316/F316L/F321 Alloy steel: F11, F12 Packing: plywood case and plywood pallet Usage: Flanges are integral parts of many engineering and plumbing projects. In many applications, engineers need to find a way to close off a chamber or cylinder in a very secure fashion, usually because the substance inside must differ from the substance outside in composition or pressure. They do this by fastening two pieces of metal or other material together with a circle of bolts on a lip. This “lip” is a flange. Plumbing You can connect two sections of metal piping by soldering or welding them together, but pipes connected in this way are very susceptible to bursting at high pressures. A way of connecting two sections of pipe more securely is by having flanged ends that you can connect with bolts. This way, even if gases or liquids build up to high pressures inside the pipe, it will often hold with no problem. Mechanics In order to connect two sections of a large, enclosed area, it is often best to used flanges and bolts. An example of this is the connection between the engine and the transmission in an automobile. In this case, both the engine and the transmission contain a number of moving parts that can easily get damaged if they get dust or othe....

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