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Silicone Rubber New Battery He

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:09:56
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    The battery heating pad could be 48v, 10w, 180*270mm.It is used in winter for battery to offer frost-protection, so as to make sure the battery could work normally. Generally, the battery works in low efficiency in cold winter, but if you have this heating pad, the problem will be solved.silicone heating pad is one of the lighter and flexibler heater.The heating elements have two material, one is nickel chrome heating wire, another is etching foil. ?Both of them are heating fast and thermal conversion efficiency high.So silicone heaters blanket are widely used on industry, agriculture, medical and household electrical.We can customize as your voltage, size, shape, watts and other request.?If you need fix the heating pad onto the heated parts, you could tell us. And we will equip 3M high tempearture tape on the silicon heater for you.?Silicone heating pads are widely used in many fileds, for example,1,anti-freeze protection and anti-compress for many types of instruments and equipment.?2, medical equipment such as blood analyzers, test tube heter, drying machine, spread sheet etc.3, outdoor communication devices such as camera lens defroster.4, plastic film vulcanication and forming5, car fuel tank, cooling water tank, etc. insulation and glass defroster?6, power distribution cabinet, small machine room, etc. dehumidification

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