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High Temperature CP10 Flexible

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:10:34
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    flexible ceramic pad heaterAll flexible ceramic pad heaters are constructed of 80/20 Nickel / Chrome ?Multi- strand wire, insulated with inter-locking sintered alumina pink ceramic beads, nickel 212 cold tail (tigged) and two male 60 amp twist locks complete with insulated covers.Available in numerous sizes and ratings, they can be used up to 2150F / 1176 C in various heating applications.?This special sintered alumina ceramic beads can be used for pre and post-heaters welding applications because of its excellent heat resistance.1.Radioactive properties: a maximum monochromatic radiation components reached 0.9,the normal total radiation rate is greater than 0.83.2.Thermal response time: from room normal temperature to a constant value of the radiant panel surface temperatures less than 20 minutes.3.Degeneration of hot and cold resistance : five alternating hot and cold test of no peeling,no cracking .4.Radiating temperature inhomogeneity:15%5.Power error : the rated working voltage :5%6.Cold insulation resistance :500V Megger >2 ohm7.Thermal insulation resistance: 500v Megger >0.5ohm8.Use life > 3000hoursflexible ceramic heating element ? ? ?Flexible Ceramic Band Heater also called flexible heater, which is a selection of high-quality nichrome wire rope, coat of high purity alumina ceramic pieces of insulation made crawler or rope heaters and other products type. According to the shape of the workpiece, the size of production, can be spliced, bending, is wrapped snugly workpiece heating, with the use of a wide range, fast heating speed, high heat utilization rate, convenient operation feature and so on . The highest surface temperature can reach 1050 ?C .

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