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Die Casting Copper , Iron Alum

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:14:14
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    Environment temperature :The environment temperature - 20 ~ + 60, relative temperature < 80%Leakage current:< 0.5 MAInsulation resistance: ? 8M?Grounding resistance:< 0.1M?pressure: 1500 v one minute without breakdown phenomenonHeat resistance degree:500-800?C ? / 400-830?CPower deviation value: +8%-8%The parameter table of Copper Heater:Copper Heater Application:mainly used in extrusion and moulding machinery, widely used in a number of machineryindustries, operating temperatures can up to 650 degrees (copper), in order to concentrateheat to one face (launch) direction, the product of the remaining few surfaces covered withinsulation material, with advanced technology, strong thermal insulation, long life andother characteristics. Generally used in plastic extrusion machinery, chemical machinery,such as plastic film blowing machine.

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