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Insulated Nichrome Heating All

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:14:23
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    Product brief introduction:We produce two kinds of thermo-electric alloys the nickel-base alloy and the Fe-base alloy,of which the nickel-base thermo-electric alloys are used to production of heat-generation componentsin such industries as industrial electric furnace,laboratory electric stove and household appliances.At present, these products are supplied in form of wire,ribbon, flat wire and elements as according to?user's requirements.The annual output of the above-mentioned products has reached 2000 tons.Product features:1.Excellent anti-oxidation and mechanical strength at high temperature.2.High resistivity and low temperature coefficient of resistance.3.Excellent reel ability and forming performance;4.Excellent welding performance.Diameter of one strands:0.05mm-10.0mm.Our most common dimension is 0.523mm*18+0.574mm*1,it means the outside is 3mm,but the other conductor sizes are available upon your request.Material Available:NiCr80/20, NiCr60/15, Nickel 212, NiMn2, CuNi44Application: A heating element repair kit comes with 80/20 (19 multi-strand), in addition, Heater Core Wire is?Consists of 80/20 nickel chrome alloy (19 multi-strand) on 500m/1640' roll.Nichrome Stranded Wire is not always 19 multi strand,we can also produce it upon your request.

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