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220V Internal High Wattage Den

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:14:35
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    High temperature hd swaged cartridge heater,( heater rod) is a piece of heating equipment,made of MgO powder or MgO tube, ceramic cap ,resistance wire(NiCr2080),High temperature leads, seamless stainless steel sheath(304,321,316,800,840)tube.?usually in tube form, that is used in heating applications by way of insertion into metal blocks via a series of drilled holes.Cartridge heaters are manufactured in two basic forms - high density and low density.High density cartridge heaters are used to heat plastic injection moulds, dies, platens and so forth, whereas low density cartridge heaters are more suitable for packing machinery, heat sealing, labelling machines and hot stamping applications.

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