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High Temperature Hot Surface C

  • Date Listed:2017-01-03 03:15:00
    No. 888, Yanndu Rd, Yancheng, Jiangsu, P.R.China
    Company:Yancheng Xingtai Electric Equipment Co.,Ltd

    Feature:Long Rated life?While standards igniters only last 2 or 3 years, our ceramics igniters are made to?last at least 90,000 hours (nearly 10 years) according to Japanese standard and?made to be very resistant in all conditions (high humidity, freezing temperatures,?strong vibrations, etc). We are the unique maker in the world to be able to design?SiN igniters with average life greater than 90,000 hours in continuous operation at 1400 deg C.?2) High temperature, high constraint?Our ceramics igniters can reach 1450 deg C. However, due to perfect sealing process, lead wire?temperature do not exceed 150 deg C. You can miniaturize your system, make it safer and prolonge?the rated life of other components.?3) Faster?Heating length is faster: up to 1000 deg C in 8 seconds?4) High efficiency?High-watt density discharge allow high thermal efficiency.?-Applications?Furnace, burner?Gas, oil water heater, boiler or other heating equipment?SOFC, PEFC, fuel cell MCHP?burner components?-Range of temperature: 1200 to 1400 deg C?-Material of heating element: Silicon Nitride (Si3n4)?

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