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Green Papaya Powder,Hot Sale P

  • Date Listed:2017-01-04 17:23:14
    Room 10, Si Wei Xiao Qu, Chang Qing Second Road,Weiyang District, Xi'an 710023, China
    Company:Xi'an SR Bio-Engineering Co.,Ltd

    Papaya extracts Lagenaria Rosaceae fruit red brown powder extract products.Product Name:Papaya fruit Extract PowderLatin Name:Fructus ChaenomelisPart Used:FruitAppearance:Light yellow powderActive Ingredients:PapainPackaging Details:1 Aluminmum Foil Bag/25 Kgs DrumShelf Life:Two years when Properly StoredStorage:Store in cool and dry places.Please Keep away from strong lightITEMSPECIFICATIONDescription:AppearanceLight yellow powder??OdorCharacteristicParticle size100% pass through 60-100?mesh?sieveBulk Density45.0g/100mL~65.0 g/100mIdentification:Color ReactionPositive ReactionTests:Loss on drying(5h at 105?)?5.0%Ash(3h at 600?)?5.0%Heavy metals(as Pb)?10ppmArsenic(as AS2O3)?1ppmAssay:Papaya fruit?Extract?Powder?10:1Microbial:Total bacterial counMax.1000cfu/gYeast & MouldMax.100cfu /gEscherichia coli presenceNegativeSalmonellaNegative1.Papaya fruit Extract can digest protein, help the body to digest and absorb food2.Papaya fruit Extract can kill the fight against SARS: papain and papaya base with anti-tuberculosis and parasites such as tapeworm, roundworm, whipworm, amoeba effect, it can be used for anti-tuberculosis insecticide.3.Papaya fruit Extract can anti-cancer: papaya milk rennet with through action, papaya base with anti-lymphocytic leukemia power, it can be used through milk and treatment of lymphocytic leukemia (blood cancer).4.Papaya fruit Extract can increased disease resistance: Papaya contains large amounts of water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and a variety of essential amino acids, which can effectively complement the body of nutrients, enhance the body's resistance to disease.5.Papaya fruit Extract can anti-spasmodic: papaya papaya pulp contains a base having a spasm of pain relieve effect on gastrocnemius muscle spasm has obvious therapeutic effect.1.Papaya fruit Extract applied in the health care products field2.Papaya fruit Extract applied in the beverages field3.Papaya fruit Extract applied in the medicine field1.Focused on food supple....

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