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Black PVC Coated Steel Cables

  • Date Listed:2017-01-17 21:52:15
    Science and Technology Park Dainan Town xinghua area taizhou city Jiangsu
    Company:Jiangsu GT Inox Co.,Ltd

    Description:7?7 pvc coated black Stainless steel wire ropes has features of good corrosion,heat and cold resistance in application of various fieldsITEMCNiCrPSSiMnMo%%%%%%%%AISI316?(1.4401)<0.0810~1416-18<0.035<0.03<1.0<2.02.0~3.0Product?CodeDiameter?(mm)Diameter?PVC?(mm)M.B.L?????????????(kN)M.B.L???????????????(Kg)Weight?(Kg/100m)316R*-WP1.6?3.2?1.80?1811.95?316R*-WP2.5?5.0?4.00?4104.40?316R*-WP3.0?6.0?6.70?6808.00?7?X?7PVC?Coated?black316R*-WP4.0?8.0?9.80?*.20?316R*-WP5.0?8.0?13.90?1,*.90?316R*-WP6.0?8.0?23.10?2,*.70?Since its founding, the company has been committed to the manufacture of high-quality wire products for the well-known domestic wire enterprises to provide a stable and reliable wire rod raw materials and widely praised NOTE: CAN BE SUPPLIED IN A SPOOL OF THE LENGTH SHOWN OR CAN BE CUT TO YOUR REQUEST (IN METER). * = WEIGHT PER 100M IN KGS, WITHOUT REEL.

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