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acid-resistance asbestos sheet

  • Date Listed:2010-03-12 14:43:21
    1-1506 Fuyuan Building,Quanyechang,Hengshui
    Company:Hebei Fuyuan Sealing Materials Co.,Ltd

    Material: Made of good asbestos Fibre with acid-resistance synthetic rubber compression heating and compression molding it. Uses: Mainly used for the equipment in acid,and used as sealing material of gasket for the flange of pipeline joints. Working pressure : 4Mpa Refractoriness: 350℃ Sizes: 4100 x 1500 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm, 2000 x 1500 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm, 1500 x 1360 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm, 3810 x 1270 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm 1270 x 1270 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm, 1500 x 1500 x (0.5 – 6.0)mm Packing: in wooden Pallet of about 1000 kgs, 2000kgs net each.

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