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High-Leaded Tin Bronze Oilless

  • Date Listed:2017-02-10 11:36:59
    209 Long Road weitang street,Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, CHINA
    Company:Jiashan rongchang slide bearing company

    C*?High Leaded Tin Bronze ?C* High Leaded Tin Bronze is used to produce thrust blocks. ?Chemical Composition CuSnPbZnFeNiSbPSAlMnSi72.00-79.004.50-6.5018.00-22.0010.2510. Properties Tensile Strength (min)Yield Strength (at .5% extention under load min)Elongation (in 2in. or 50mm min, %)Brinell Hardness (min)RemarksKsiMPaKsiMPa???*?RONCAN, one of the professional high-leaded tin bronze oilless slide bush c* cusn5pb20-c manufacturers, is also known as an excellent supplier in China. We now bring you the best quality high-leaded tin bronze oilless slide bush c* cusn5pb20-c with high precision and reliable performance. Should you are interested in it, please feel free to get in touch with our factory.

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