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Wire cutter/long arm cable cut

  • Date Listed:2012-05-30 11:18:57
    East Industrial Zone, North Loop Road, Bazhou, Hebei
    Company:Bazhou Dpair Power Tools Factory

    Wire cutter/long arm cable cutter Products No: J13 Application: It can cut Max. 150mm2 steel stand, Max. 720 mm2 ACSR, mainly used for cutting steel wire, could not be used for cutting copper conductor cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J13 350(510)*120*45 1.5 Plastic box Products No: J30 Application: It can cut Max. 100mm2 steel stand, Max. 630 mm2 ACSR, mainly used for cutting copper cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J30 400(580)*160*60 3.5 Plastic box Products No: J25 Application: It can cut Max. 150mm2 steel stand, Max. 800 mm2 ACSR. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J25 745*130*60 4 Plastic box Products No: J50 Application: It can cut Max. 1440 mm2 ACSR, could not be used for cutting copper cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J50 375(540)*150*40 2.3 Plastic box Products No: J14 Application: It can cut Max. Diameter 20 mm steel wire , could not be used for cutting copper cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J14 350(510)*120*45 1.5 Plastic box Products No: J25-A Application: It can cut Max. Diameter 30 mm steel wire , could not be used for cutting copper cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J25-A 620*100*60 4 Plastic box Products No: J33 Application: It can cut Max. Diameter 33 mm steel wire , could not be used for cutting copper cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J33 580(900)*145*47 5.3 Plastic box Products No: J40-A Application: It can cut Max. 300mm2 copper aluminium cable, could not be used for cutting rigid cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J40-A 215*130*45 0.96 Plastic box Products No: J75 Application: It can cut Max. 3*120mm2 or Max. diameter 100 mm copper aluminium core armoured cable, or 3600 pairs of communication cable ,could not be used for cutting rigid cable. Name Model Size(MM) Weight(KG) Packing Cable Cutter J75 420(600)*200....

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