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Experimental type freeze dryer

  • Date Listed:2017-08-29 10:07:36
    Room 1202, office building, No. 4, No. 4965, Baoshan District,, Republic of the new road, Shanghai
    Company:Shanghai Toffon Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

    Technical Parameter : 1.Model: TF-FD-27S(normal) 2.Condensing Temperature: <-80℃ 3.Vacuum: <15Pa(no load) 4.Freeze-dried Area: 0.27㎡ 5.Capturing Water Capability: 6Kg/24h 6.Sample Plate: Φ240mm×6 layers 7.Power Supply Requirements: 220V 50Hz 8.Power: 2200W 9.Dimension: 1200mm×550mm×880mm (not include drying room) 10.Display the shelf freeze-drying curve and moisture curve timely and heat by numerical control.

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