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SQ Series Pressure Switch

  • Date Listed:2018-04-07 11:11:49
    Country:China Taiwan>China Taiwan>New Taipei City
    No.16, Tzuchiang St., Tucheng Industrial Park,
    Company:FineTek Co., Ltd

    The SQ Series pressure switch is available in a wide variety of configurations. The SQ pressure switch utilizes an internal diaphragm which is subjected to the process pressure through a connection in the application. A variety of fixed or adjustable ranges, and electrical connections, are available. Description: SQ series is a pressure switch product line using an internal diaphragm that is exposed to process pressure via the pressure switch threaded process connection. Opposing the diaphragm is a compression spring. When the process pressure is greater than the force of the compression spring the switch contact will open or close depending on the choice of the contact form. The SQ series pressure switch is typically used in a pressurized system to accommodate the sensing and controlling of process pressure within a defined or determined pressure range for the application process or use. Feature: Robust pressure switch even in severe duty applications Choice of body materials; 316SS, zinc plated steel and brass Selectable contact, electrical connection and accessories Adjustable or fixed pressure High quality and cost effective Application: USE Pressure control Safety monitoring of pressure in pipes Pressure control in manufacturing systems and machinery INDUSTRY HVAC systems Automotive Sprinkler systems Lubrication equipment Industrial compressors

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