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Glod (Au) Mirror

  • Date Listed:2019-10-08 10:34:07
    No.399 Bo Cai Road, High-Tech Industrial Development Area, Changchun, Jilin, China 130012
    Company:ChangChun BRD Optical co., Ltd

    Glod (Au) Mirror Optical Mirror Optical Components Customized Optical Mirror PARAMETER: BRD Optical provide the round, square and customized shape mirrors with a protected gold coating in various sizes. Protected gold is ideal for use in the IR wavelength range. A protective dielectric overcoat is layered over the gold to help protect it from damage and make cleaning easier. These optics provide >96% average reflectance from 800nm to 20μm. The mirror  coated with metal (Au, Al, or Ag) over coated with silicon monoxide(SiO2). Metallic coatings have low peak reflectance, mechanical durability and damage threshold, but they have extremely broadband and low cost. They are insensitivity to angle of incident light and polarization. Substrate Fused silica/ Silica/ BK7 Glass Dimension 2mm~100mm Clear aperture >90% of dimension Surface quality 40/20, 20/10 Scratch-Dig Surface Irregularity λ/2~*m Thickness 1mm~20mm

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