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GIICLZ Type Drum Gear Coupling

  • Date Listed:2019-08-21 10:05:13
    Room 1516, Modern Plaza B, No.8 Weiye Road
    Company:Jingjiang Huading Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
    Tell:860512 86163031

    GIICLZ Type Drum Gear Coupling Drum Gear Coupling · Model: GⅡCLZ Type · Norminal Torque: 0.4kN. M - 4500kN. M · Allowed Rotation Sppeed: 4000rpm - 460rpm · Connection: Keyway & Shaft hole  · Shaft Hole Diameter: 16mm - 1040mm · Shaft Hole Length (Y): 42mm - 1000mm · Applications: Metallurgy, mining, lifting and transportation industries, petroleum, chemical, general machinery and other heavy machinery shaft drive. Flexible Pin Coupling, LXZ Type Flexible Pin Coupling, LZ Type Flexible Pin Coupling Suppliers & Factory. GIICLZ-type drum-type gear coupling is suitable for connecting the level of two coaxial axis drive shaft, with a certain angle to compensate the relative deviation of the two-axis performance, the working environment temperature 20-80℃, transmission nominal torque of  0.4-4500kN.m Drum-type Gear Coupling Features (compared with the straight-type coupling): 1. High carrying capacity The bearing capacity of the drum-type gear coupling is 15 to 20% higher than that of the straight-type coupling in the same outer diameter and the maximum outer diameter of the coupling. 2. Large angular displacement compensation When the radial displacement is equal to zero, the allowable angular displacement of the straight-tooth coupling is 1°, but the allowable angular displacement of the drum gear-type coupling is 1°30", 50% increased. With the same modulus, tooth number, tooth width, the allowable angular displacement of the drum teeth is larger than of the straight teeth. 3. Drum-type gear surface has improved the internal and external contact conditions, which avoids the drawbacks of angular displacement of the mandibular tooth edge extrusion and stress concentration, in the meanwhile improves the tooth surface friction, wear conditions, reducing noise, long maintenance cycle. 4. The tooth end of outer teeth set is horn shape, so that the internal and external tooth assembly and disassembly is ve....

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