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Graphite electrode

  • Date Listed:2019-08-08 15:07:07
    NO.85 North of Liaoan Road
    Company:Liaoyang Shoushan Carbon Factory

    Artifical graphite electrodes is made of high-quality low ash materials,like the petroleum coke,needle coke and coal pitch.After experiencing calcinations,burdening,kneading,forming,baking and pressure impregnation,it is graphitized in a hign temperature of over 3000℃, And then treated with machining.this kind of product is widely used for electric arc steel-making,yellow phosphorus,indusreial silicon,other alloys and non-metallic materials of electric atc furnace. this product is characterized by low resistivity,good electrical conductivity,low ash,even and compact structure,good antioxidation and high mechanical strength

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