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hydraulic drilling rig

  • Date Listed:2019-10-10 10:42:33
    No.142, Zhonglou Street, Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province,China
    Company:Jinke Drilling Machinery Co., Ltd

    Rated Drilling Depth 400m Borehole Diameter 140~350mm Engine Power 92kW Max. Lifting Force 20T Axial Pressure  ± 8T Lifting Force of Small Winch 1.5T Rotation Torque 8500N.m Rotation Rate 0~40/80rpm Feeding Stroke 4300mm+2600mm Hydraulic Supporting Leg Stroke 1650mm Lifting Speed 0~25m/min Centralizer Height 0.8m Grade Ability 15° Dimension (L x W x H) 7.4m x 2.25m x 2.85m Weight 13.5T Hydraulic Generator 24kW/380V (optional) Flow of Centrifugal Mud Pump / Flow of Plunger Mud Pump /

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