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Silicone Rubber Insulated Cabl

  • Date Listed:2019-05-27 14:38:53
    Country:China>Beijing>Abbots Langley
    2-1-101, Binhefang, Daxing district
    Company:China Sanew Cable Co., Ltd.

    Silicone Rubber Insulated Cable Silicone Rubber Insulated Cable Silicone Rubber Insulation Wire Silicone Rubber Insulation High-voltage Installation Wire Product description:  Sanewcable silicone rubber Insulated cable has excellent physical strength and mechanical properties, and outstanding resistance to heat, ozone, moisture, and chemicals.  It also resists hardening or cracking under severe weather conditions. Sanewcable silicone rubber cable is capable of continuous current rating at 180oC if there are no limits imposed by environmental conditions. They can meet temperature and voltage ratings up to 250°C, they have great environmental resistance properties and can be used at temperatures as low as -60°C. They are halogen-free and are especially suitable for installation in power stations. Sanewcable can be tailored to meet a variety of demands such as extreme high and low temperature requirements, flame resistance, flexibility, radiation resistance, strength and purity. Approvals : CE , UL and RoHS Applications: Sanewcable silicone rubber insulated cable is used extensively for robotic, petrochemical, industrial equipments and electronics ,aerospace and medical applications.

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