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FRP Acid Mist Purification Tow

  • Date Listed:2019-08-30 10:40:41
    Country:China>Hebei>Hengshui, Hebei, China
    No. 388, Chunfeng Street, Cangzhou City,Hebei Province,china
    Company:Hebei Wei Tong glass steel Co., Ltd.

    FRP Acid Mist Purification Tower High Quality FRP Acid Mist Purification Tower FRP Tower Manufacturers APPLICATION The FRP acid mist purification tower is suitable for purifying acid gases such as hydrochloric acid The FRP acid mist purification tower is suitable for purifying acid gases such as hydrochloric acid mist, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, alkali vapor and chromic acid mist at room temperature.

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