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type steel grating clamps

  • Date Listed:2019-08-21 14:33:40
    In the Qing Yang Industrial park District 31 Yunlong mountai
    Company:Yantai Haorui Metalwork Co.,Ltd.

     type steel grating clamps  Plain Type Steel Grating Manufacturer   chemical Plain Type Steel Grating Factory   QUALITY STANDARDS   GratingStandard Material Standard HDGStandard China YB/T4001-2007 GB704-88 GB/T*-92 U.S.A ANSI/NAAMM ASTM (A36) ASTM (A123) British BS4592-1995 BS4360 (43A) BS729 Australia AS1657-1992 AS3679 AS1650 SPECIFICATIONS        B Reference B-63 B-75 B: comprising a top clip with double saddle, ( of which one saddle can secure the two bearing bars of adjacent panels ), a lower clip with teeth and a M10(or M8) inner -circular-stud bolt Upper clip length 63 45 Screw length 70 70 Lower clip length 75 75 SURFACE TREATMENT   Hot-dip galvanized, Untreated, Electro-galvanized.

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