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PCD micro drills

  • Date Listed:2020-08-28 14:52:14
    No.171 Zhongyuan Rd, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou
    Company:More SuperHard Products

    Micro Drilling Systems are used in the microelectronics, microfluidics, semiconductor, LED, medical devices, and PV industries. The systems combine precision part-moving stages, high-resolution alignment systems and application-optimized lasers with IPG’s proprietary software to provide high-throughput and high drilling accuracies. Specification: The Micro Drilling products cover semiconductor materials, metals, ceramics and polymers. Each product has laser and beam delivery design optimized for a specific application, and can be configured for manual or automatic operation, allowing customers to buy exactly the application solution they need. Features: Improved Tool Life Improved Productivity Improved Hole Quality Reducing Your Machining Time Standard: Highest technology laser manufactured micro PCD drills. Micro PCD drills are used in the semiconductor industry for monocrystalline applications such as cleaning and inspection jigs. They are also used for the graphite electrode manufacturing for EDM and drilling very hard to machine materials in the die & mold industry. Designed with superb surface quality and edge sharpness. Multiple scale tool life as compared to standard carbide coated micro drills. Other dimensions are available per request.

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