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OceanStor Dorado 8000/* V6

  • Date Listed:2021-02-08 18:10:52
    Country:China Hongkong>China Hongkong>九龍旺角

    HUAWEI OceanStor Dorado 8000/* V6 All-Flash Storage Systems Huawei OceanStor Dorado 8000 V6 and Dorado * V6 are high-end all-flash, Solid State Drive (SSD) storage systems that deliver industry leading performance of up to 21,000,000 Input/Output Operations Per Second (SPC-1 IOPSTM), six-nines reliability (99.9999%), and intelligent acceleration, meeting the increasingly high requirements of core enterprise services. Employing Huawei's brand-new hardware platform and the fully interconnected architecture of SmartMatrix to provide symmetric active-active services, the high-end storage systems set unprecedented standards for industry reliability, tolerating the failure of 1 out of 2 controller enclosures and 7 out of 8 controllers. In addition, the storage systems utilize Huawei-developed innovative hardware, FlashLink® intelligent algorithms — purpose designed for flash media — End-to-End (E2E) Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) architecture, the intelligence and efficiency of the Smart series, and the high reliability of the Hyper series. They also feature a built-in intelligent accelerate module — a first in the industry — to make storage more intelligent for application operations.

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