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Welded Stainless Steel Pipe

  • Date Listed:2021-10-21 14:21:29
    Yuhua District,
    Company:Bestar steel Co.,ltd

    ASTM A312/A358/A778M Stainless steel welded pipes with an outer diameter range of ¼” to 84”, with high temperature and corrosion resistance, as well as high resistance to acid-caused pitting and crevice corrosion ASTM A312/A358/A778M Stainless steel welded pipes with an outer diameter range of 13.8 to 660.4mm, with high corrosion and high temperature tolerance, ideal for fire protection ASTM A312/A358/A778M Stainless steel welded pipes with an outer diameter range of 165 to 1016mm, with high temperature tolerance, pressure resistance, and anti-corrosive resistance to rust and chemicals ASTM A312/A358/A778M Stainless steel welded pipes with an outer diameter range of 15.88 to 318.55mm that are intended for ordinary piping applications, and are used mainly for water supply and drainage Our stainless steel manufacturing is compliant with three major steel grade standards (American, Japanese, Chinese) and can be molded, cut, and shaped according to custom length, thickness, and outer diameter requirements. Pipe specifications can also be specified by our clients with tolerances in conformity with these standards.

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