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white fused alumina F60

  • Date Listed:2013-08-01 10:47:16
    Country:China>Henan>Zheng Zhou
    A-801 Kaixuanmen, Tongbai South Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province China
    Company:Zhengzhou City Haixu Abrasives Co.,Ltd

    Product Introduction White fused alumina oxide was made from the high quality alumina oxide by melting above 2000°C in the electric arc furnace and cooling. It is white with the main crystal phase alphaAl2O3. White fused alumina oxide produced intitling electric arc furnace has the adwantage of high bulk density and low porosity and the volume stability and thermal shock resistance can be improved. Model and Application White fused alumina oxide macrogrit complete FEPA model of 8#10#12#14#16#20#22#24#30#36#40#46#54#60#70#80#90#100#120#150#180#220# Suitable for sandblasting ,precision casting & high grade refractory, etc. Chemical content Usage Size Chemical content % Abrasives Sandblasting Al2O3 Na2O Magnetics material SiO2 F12#—80# ≥99.4 ≤0.4 — ≤0.03 90#—150# ≥99.3 ≤0.4 ≤0.03 ≤0.05 180#—220# ≥98.2 ≤0.4 — ≤0.03 Advantages: White fused alumina oxide has Al2O3 content 99% min we passed the certification of ISO9001:2000 Equipped full line of test method. The laboratory is certified by government Inspection Bureau, that assures its quality stability. All products will be supplied according to customers different requirement. Brilliant produce&supply&delivery ability Flexible price policy

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