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white fused alumina grit F22

  • Date Listed:2013-08-08 17:29:42
    Room 801,No.238 tongbai south road,zhengzhou city
    Company:Henan sicheng co., Ltd

    White fused alumina called White Corundum, white fused aluminium oxide ,white electrofused-alumina, White fused Al2O3,White Electric-furnace Corundum,white electrocorundum,White Aloxide too. Chemical Compositions Al2O3:99.55%min Fe2O3:0.04%max Na2O:0.23%max Physical Properties B.D:1.75-1.95g/cm3 Specific Gravity:3.95g/cm3 Mohs Hardness:9.0 Application Bonded abrasives and Coated abrasives Surface treatment/finishing Lapping, polishing,decorative non-skid tile, and pressure blasting. Ceramic Tiles special ceramics Fluidized Bed Furnaces and Skin / Dental Care Grinding high carbon steel, high-speed steel and chilled steel Available Size: F8 F10 F12 F14 F16 F20 F22 F24 F30 F36 F40 F46 F54 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F120 F150 F180 F220 F230 F240 F280 F320 F360 F400 F500 F600 F800 F1000 F1200 F1500 F2000

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