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Brown corundum

  • Date Listed:2022-12-06 15:01:29
    A-801 Kaixuanmen Tongbai South road
    Company:Zhengzhou Haixu Abrasives Co.,Ltd

    Brown Corundum A GRADE Al2O3       95%min Fe2O3       0.5%max SiO2        1.8%max TiO2      1.5-3.8% B GRADE Chemcial Analysis Al2O3       70-90% Fe2O3       8-15% SiO2       2-5% TiO2       3-5% C GRADE Chemcial Analysis Al2O3       50-65% Fe2O3       12-20% SiO2         15-25% TiO2           4-6% Physical Properties Bulk density:1.53-1.99g/cm3 Specific Gravity:3.50-3.96g/cm3 Mohs Hardness:8-9 Application: Bonded abrasives and Coated abrasives Surface treatment/finishing lapping, polishing,decorative non-skid tile, and pressure blasting. Ceramic Tiles special ceramics Fluidized Bed Furnaces and Skin / Dental Care Grinding high carbon steel, high-speed steel and chilled steel Available sizes:0-1mm 1-3mm 3-5mm 5-8mm  100F 200F 320F F12-F800 JIS12-JIS2000

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