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Frequency Washer-extractor 20F

  • Date Listed:2013-08-26 09:28:36
    Huadu District of Guangzhou City Gongyi Road No.27 hundred square room 8038-8039
    Company:Guangzhou JinZhiLai Washing Equipment Co.,LTD.

    Frequency Washer-extractor XGQ-20F Performance and features: This series machine can complete the functions of washing and dewatering equipment, automatic, manual switch, arbitrarily choose the washing period, times of cleaning, dewatering time advantage; The inner is made of high quality stainless steel production, acid and alkali resistance, good corrosion resistance, durability, wear less clothing, beautiful appearance, long service life; Equipment using the mechanical suspension spring shockproof structure, low noise, high washing excessive smooth, without foundation. Imported seals, good sealing effect, no leakage. Compared with the domestic similar products, the same proportion of large drum, small occupation area, washing capacity, in the domestic use of reflection is very good. A new large caliber quickly into the drainage system, greatly shortens the washing cycle

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