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sell Vardenafil Hydrochloride

  • Date Listed:2013-09-02 13:12:04
    Country:China Hongkong>China Hongkong>kowloon
    Unit 04, 7/F, Bright Way Tower, NO. 33 Mong Kok Road, KowLoon, Honkong
    Company:Landmark Nutraceuticals Co., Limite

    Vardenafil Hydrochloride English name:Vardenafil Hydrochloride Alias:Levitra;Fardenafil CAS No.:*-91-5 Molecular formula:C23H33ClN6O4S Molecular weight:525.06 Characters:white powder, odorless, taste bitter and astringent soluble in water and alcohol. Packing:According to customer requirements for packaging. Our advantages 1.Our company is a professional production leading factory in China in pharmaceutical area of many years,our products have exported to USA,Greece, Spain, UK, Australia and other countries, and we have got very good feedback from our customers, we had established a long friendly relations 2.High quality, best price, first-class service, high successful delivery rate 3.We have stock, so we can delivery quickly at the very day when receive the payment

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