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High-speed horizontal type pac

  • Date Listed:2013-10-29 14:02:03
    Shanghai East Road, Room 1705
    Company:Su Zhou ChunCha Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd

    [Features Overview] Horizontal packaging machine, also known as pillow packing machine, used in a variety of pharmaceutical products, led by food, groceries, industrial components and other packaging. Primary packaging materials can be divided according to whether the need to shrink: POF shrink film, BOPP film, PE film, sometimes used in paper and aluminum foil as the substrate film. 1 Mitsubishi PLC programmable controller, high precision, high performance and stability. 2. Lightweight structural design, space-saving, cheap; 3. with a long display, easy to adjust; 4 electric eye tracking device, paperless automatic parking, bag length and the cut-off point accurate; 5 high-performance operation, significantly reducing labor costs; 6 product contact surfaces of stainless steel or plastic material. 7 Optional: automatic feeding system, date typewriter, stainless steel chassis. The scope of application Pet products, bread, cakes, moon cake, instant noodles, biscuits, snacks, pies, boxed foods, candy, toys, capsules tablets, cosmetics, cards. Technical Parameters Model HP-600I HP-450I HP-320I Speed(p/min) 20-120 20-150 20-150 Bag length 100-400mm 80-320mm 80-300 Maximum film width 600mm 450mm 320mm Product width 120-230mm 20-120mm(50-1500mm) 20-120mm Product highest 80mm 50mm(80mm) 80mm Mechanical Dimensions 3220L*970*1525 3000*800*1520mm 2840L*830W*1520H Machine weight 1050KG 950KG 700KG Optional equipment Coder, exhaust, various automatic feeding device

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