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flap disc

  • Date Listed:2013-11-04 16:50:18
    Qinghuayuan road,Huiji district,zhengzhou
    Company:Henan pengsheng industrial development co.,ltd

    Application: ● Ferrous and non-ferrous materials, Stainless steel, High tensile steels, Aluminium, Structural steel, Cast iron,Plastic,Brass. Feature: ● Bonded to extremely strong but durable fibreglass or plastic backing ● Fast, aggressive action for high pressure grinding, high efficiency ● Blending and finishing all in one operation and will reduce process time, lower total grinding cost ● Maximum contact with work surface with out loading ● Consistent grinding and finishing performance ● Reduce vibration and noise compared to depressed denter grinding discs Size(mm) Type Available Grits Abrasives Inner Packing 100×22 T27/T29 40#~320# Aluminum Oxide 200pcs/CTN 115×22 T27/T29 40#~320# Aluminum Oxide 200pcs/CTN 125×22 T27/T29 40#~320# Aluminum Oxide 200pcs/CTN 150×22 T27/T29 40#~320# Aluminum Oxide 200pcs/CTN 180×22 T27/T29 40#~320# Aluminum Oxide 100pcs/CTN

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