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ZA fibre disc

  • Date Listed:2013-11-05 15:26:04
    Qinghuayuan road,Huiji district,zhengzhou
    Company:Henan pengsheng industrial development co.,ltd

    Applications: ● Entry level performance for both mid and stainless steel. ● Prep work, beveling or weld grinding. Features: ● Contains high quality Aluminium Zirconia mineral. ● The best performance disc for weld removal. Extra long life. Size(mm) Inch Available Grits Design Abrasives Backing thickness Coating Inner packing 100×16 4′ 16#~120# Flat form Zirconium Alumina 0.65mm 0.8mm Close Semi-close 500pcs/ctn 115×22 4.5′ 16#~120# Flat form 500pcs/ctn 125×22 5′ 16#~120# Flat form 500pcs/ctn 150×22 6′ 16#~120# Flat form 500pcs/ctn 180×22 7′ 16#~120# Flat form 500pcs/ctn

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