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  • Date Listed:2013-11-05 15:36:14
    3-102 IN No. 539 WANGJIANG WEST ROAD
    Company:Hefei Xingyu Chemical Co., Ltd

    Nicosulfuron Common Name: Nicosulfuron Chemical Name: 2-[[[[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidiny)amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]           -N,N-dimethyl-3-pyridinecarboxamide Chemical Structure:    M.f. : C15H18N6O6S CAS No.:*-09-4 Application: Selective systemic herbicide ,absorbed by the foliage and roots ,with rapid translocation in xylem and phloem to the meristematic tissues .Used to selective post-emergence control in maize of annual grass weeds including Setaria ,Echinochloa ,digitaria ,Panicum ,Lolium ,and Avena app .,broad-leaved weeds including Amaranthus spp. and Cruciferae ,and perennials such as Sorghum halepense and Agropyron repens. Applied at 35-70g/ha . Technical grade: 95% min, 97%min Formulations: 40g/L SC, 75%WP,75%WDG Package:    For technical product: 20kg composite paper-plastic bag, 25kg fiber drum; For formulations: 40g/L SC 200L iron drum or customerlized package; 75%WP, 75%WDG 25kg fiber drum or customerlized package.

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