Index News Seller Buyer Product Company


  • Date Listed:2013-11-05 15:39:37
    3-102 IN No. 539 WANGJIANG WEST ROAD
    Company:Hefei Xingyu Chemical Co., Ltd

    Carboxin Common Name:Carboxin Chemical Name: 5,6-dihydro-3-methol-1,4-sulfenyl heterocomplex-2-formanilide Chemical Structure:    M.f.: C12H13NO2S CAS No.: 5234-68-4 Application: Used as seed treatment for control smuts and bunts ,at 50-200g a.i./100kg seed, on barley, wheat, and oats, seedling diseases of barley ,wheat, oats, rice ,cotton ,peanuts ,soya beans, vegetables ,maize ,sorghum ,and other crops ;and fairy rings on turf . Technical grade:98% min Formulations: Carboxin+Thiram 340g/L FS, 400g/L FS, 75%WP Package:    For technical product: 25kg plastic woven bag; For formulations: 340g/L FS, 400g/L FS 200L plastic drum or customerlized package

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