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Float Glass

  • Date Listed:2010-09-14 17:33:54
    Shahe Jinbaijia Industry Park
    Company:Chengxin Glass Co.Ltd

    Clear float glass 1.Thickness :3-12mm 2.Size:1220x1830mm,1830x2440mm,1900x2440mm,1650x2200mm,1500x2000mm, 2000x2400mm ,3660x2440mm,3660x2134mm, and so on. 3.Package:Packed in standard wooden crates,every paper is interleaveing.Normally we can load 12crates of weight 2500kgs each into one container. The gross weight is from 23 to 25 tons each 20 container. 4.Minimum order: One 20 feet container or mixed loading in one 20 feet container. 5.Transportation: By sea or multi-transport, combined transport

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