Index News Seller Buyer Product Company

wood round stick

  • Date Listed:2010-09-15 13:42:09
    Company:heilongjiang xinyuanda international trade.Co.,Ltd

    Our products are made of imported logs from Russia. Through advanced technology, the products are have concise lines and durable and so on feature. Therefor, Our products are loved by customers. Our products are exported to the Middle East, Australia, Africa, Europe, East Asia, West Asia, the Americas and other world regions. Our proucts are have high quality and practical. Except this, we also have Paint Paddles, Tongue Depressors, Ice Cream Sticks, Cotton Swab, Wooden Skewers, Toothpicks, Cutting Board, Wooden Fence, Blinds, Floor Series, ect. We can produce any size is available according to clients' need!

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